The TORCHBEARERS started out as a small idea, inspired by the “jollity” of this Victorian Christmas card - the birds marching in a line with their scowls and tiny torches. Song sparrows are birds that most people entirely ignore, and yet anything in enough numbers is undeniably powerful and ominous. When I came up with the idea for these tattoos in January 2019, I was initially thinking of nature’s revolt to our destruction of the environment - but little did I know they themselves would literally spread like wildfire, and the great meaning they would have for so many people in so many different ways.
In 2022 and as this timeline continues, there has been so many devastating reckonings both socially and personally - regardless of the measure of events, the pandemic upended every single person’s sense of normalcy and reality. Being an American has come with a heavy grief of finally realizing the cruelty and exploitation that this country was founded on - and how it continues to fail and harm its most vulnerable, and only find value it what can it can exploit for capital. The darkness that has been cast over everything is heavy in the air, and is easy to succumb to when it feels absolutely hopeless.
This hopelessness feels vain in the face of so many essential workers, hospital staff, community activists, abolitionists and mutual aid groups (and so many others) are fighting relentlessly to protect and serve our communities. Those bright lights believe that another world is possible, and while we feel small, we only burn brighter when we are united together. Whether it’s a small light to follow for the sake of your own survival, or a bright torch for others to follow, or the rage to burn it all down - these small emblems of perseverance have had an immense impact and symbolism for so many people.
I personally have tattooed 50+ individual torchbearers, and hope that it doesn’t start and end with my hand. The ideas as tattoos are endlessly mutable in style but the meaning stays the same. I do not offer tattoo vouchers, but if you would like a torchbearer of your own by the artist of your choice, please donate $50 to one of the organizations listed below (or any of your choice). If your artist posts it publicly, please ask them to credit/tag @feralcatbox for the original idea. I would love to see the outcome.
10% of the sales of all Torchbearer merchandise are donated to organizations protecting and uplifting the marginalized, bodily autonomy, our environment, and the goal of abolition. Here are some of the organizations this has supported in the past - plus individuals and mutual aid groups directly in need. Please check them out and the incredible work they’re doing.
Soul Fire Farm ⟡ Northeast Farmers Of Color Land Trust ⟡ RAINN ⟡ Brave Space Alliance ⟡ My Block My Hood My City ⟡ Critical Resistance ⟡ Trans Justice Funding Project ⟡ Pueblo Action Alliance ⟡ National Abortion Fund(s) ⟡ Chicago Torture Justice Center ⟡ The Sanibel Team in Palestine ⟡